Monday, June 4, 2018

Call me Harrietta

       I just realized it's been about 8 months since I last blogged. A lot has happened in 8 months of just normal, happy life. A White family vacation to Universal, Christmas, a new baby niece, lots of birthdays, almost a full school year finished, basketball, football, and many other things that I cannot account for at the moment. Then there is something that hasn't happened. I haven't been able to defeat this wicked cancer inside my head. It has really made me angry this time and I am so sick of the look of defeat on people's faces and the feeling that people around me, including medical professionals, seem to be giving up. They haven't but it sure is starting to feel that way. Which is why I have found myself here, once again, in the place where I'm digging up from the deepest, darkest pits of the lowest places to RISE.
       Allow me to reintroduce myself... you my now call me Harrietta Potter. Anyone who has known me, even for a minute, knows this is about to get really nerdy but once I tie it together, if you're a Potterhead, you will LOVE me even more than you thought humanly possible. For those of you who don't know anything about Harry Potter except the fact that I'm overly obsessed with the series, he was a wizard born into a world of magic. Not long after his birth his parents were killed by The Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort. Now Harry was protected from being killed because of his mother's love. But Harry was inadvertently made a horcrux. This is an object that Voldemort stores part of his soul in every time he commits another murder, if his soul is spread in different places he can never be killed unless all of those things are destroyed. The attempted murder of Harry did leave a scar on his head and as Harry got older he realized through the pain in that scar that he and Voldemort were connected. But not matter what happened in Harry's life, he always battled that darkness that was cast inside his body and always stayed in the light.
      So this is where I come in, I have decided with the newest developments of my battle, that I too have a Voldemort in my life who has been trying to consume me with darkness and to take away all that I love most in this world. I too will now have a scar on my head and will continue spending time in my life fighting this darkness inside me. And though at times it may have me on my knees in anger, sadness, hate, and fear, I know that I can be like a Phoenix and RISE from the ashes! (See what I did there? Rise and a Potter reference, that was totally accidental. LOL! Okay, enough of that.) Really though, I am here and each day in itself is a blessing. Each day I'm trying to focus on what is most important in my life and keep that my priority. On the side, I will continue to battle my Voldemort but I will not allow it to steal my love, my joy, my time because I feel sorry for people who live that way. That is not living, that is not fighting, and that is NOT me! So today I leave you with this famous quote from my favorite book/movie series... "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light."

As always, I love you all and I cannot tell you how much your prayers, love, well wishes, and quick check-ins mean to me. I may not respond but I do see them and get them and it strengthens my soul with every flicker of light you send my way.  #TeamWhite #IWillRISE #VictoryIsInMyVeins #BattleofaBadass #Always


  1. Yep. That line right there from Dumbledore is EVERYTHING! And yes like his pet Phoenix, you Harrietta shall arise stronger than EVER!

  2. You go,, I mean Harrietta!! Never, ever let them get you down, for only YOU know what you're capable of, and that, my dear, will get you the prize! So, RISE! My love to you!! -Kim
