Thursday, September 8, 2016

Twas the night before chemo...

When you think about some of the biggest days of your life and what they will be, this is not one of those you envision having to having. Yet, here I am and here it is. Part of me is thankful that they pushed it back to this week because in this week I have been able to do something that at this time last week, I didn't think was possible. My mom keeps telling me she doesn't know how I do it and my response to her is always the same, "I don't either but I am." I have been smiling and laughing and living pretty much like normal (if you don't think about the not being able to work and going to the doctors office every day).

You know, I had a pretty good weekend, Monday started off shaky, but the rest of the week I have felt solid. I can pin point the moment during my biopsy appointment and the rush of emotion followed by a complete sense of, "I actually can and will do this." It's strange to think about and I keep putting myself back there. Since that very moment, at least for now, I have not had any hopeless feelings. I even caught myself yesterday wondering why I wasn't having more of those and what was wrong with me?! I quickly checked myself, said a little thank you prayer, as I have been doing LOTS lately, and kept moving. Even sitting by myself, I'm not in constant mental turmoil and able to just do things as normal.

So now here we are, the night before chemo, one of the biggest days of my life. I will do this 5 other times for a total of 6, every 3 weeks. I know I should be super nervous, especially with biopsy results coming tomorrow from the bone biopsy, but I'm not. I'm praying that it's benign and if not, that it's the same as the breast cancer and not anything worse or different to deal with. I'll probably be nervous until I get out of the doctors appointment and my goodness, if they head me down that hall to that same corner room, they may have to put me in a straight jacket and drag me in there! But for the moment I have a real overwhelming sense of peace and that I'm going to fight every minute of this. I have shared before that I still cry when I throw up, sometimes I have to hide it if Cadence comes running to check on me (he is so loving for his mommy), but I just hate throwing up. I am certainly nervous of all of the "stuff" that can come with chemo treatments, especially knowing how aggressive mine will be. I want to chew it up and spit it out and keep walking without it shaking me a bit. I want to be back at work on Monday morning moving like nothing touched me and I want to feel like a million bucks. However, I know what the expectations are and you know what, I'll take $100! I do know that the "expectations" will not define me and my treatment. I do know that I have to be the strongest person I have ever been and show the world and MYSELF what I'm actually made of. Who would have thought that the most sensitive cry baby would be a tough fighter?!

So in typical, I respond to everything in song fashion (my friends will be able to hear me singing this)... "All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go..." Thanks to all of you who have provided "entertainment" as I embark out on my journey to sit in a chair for 8 hours with a drip plugged into my chest! My mom texted me tonight and asked what time she needed to pick me up and also said "Leave the 20 pound bag at home" (referring to my purse). I told her I would, little down she know that I have a 30 pound "entertainment" bag that I will be bringing instead tomorrow! Wish me luck and maybe I'll finish The Chamber of Secrets tomorrow.

WhiteFightClub (Thanks Precious Face!)


  1. I would like to walk this road with you <3

  2. We are all here Baby Girl, do you feel our presence holding hands and talking with God? Your prayer circles are embracing you and giving our strength individually and with Him.
    Love and kisses to you and your momma (as you say) - our prayers are with her as well.

  3. Hey Sweet Girl! You don't know me and I have not met you but I feel like I know you because your Gacki is my bestest ever friend and she has talked about her Meghan for 32 years!!! You have some of the strongest and best prayer warriors in Tennessee praying for YOU and your entire family here God hears your cries and will answer prayer. We love you from a distance and will continue as you walk this bumpy road....He will smooth it for all of you. God Bless
